About Our Classes


This dynamic group practice synchronizes movement with breath, linking postures together in a flowing sequence. You'll build strength, improve flexibility, and increase your stamina while experiencing a powerful mind-body connection. This class is perfect for moderate-to-advanced levels, with modifications offered for beginners. Appx 75 degrees- we want you to sweat from your hard work, not just the room!


This gentle, group-oriented practice focuses on holding postures for longer periods to build strength and flexibility. Through breathwork and guided strength building, you'll cultivate inner peace and improve your overall well-being. Perfect for beginners and those seeking to improve their foundation in yoga. Heated to 80-85 degrees, which helps relax muscles.


This calming group practice targets your deep connective tissues through passive floor postures held for several minutes. Yin yoga helps to increase flexibility, improve circulation, and reduce stress by encouraging complete relaxation. This class is perfect for all levels, particularly those seeking a gentle practice to unwind and find inner peace. A soothing ~70 degrees.

Cycle: Ride the Rhythm

Feel the energy surge and sweat flow in this rhythm-based cycling class! We'll crank up the music and guide you through a dynamic ride where your pedal strokes match the beat. No experience necessary, just bring your energy and get ready to move!

Cycle +

This high-intensity ride is designed for seasoned cyclists, featuring challenging climbs, heart-pounding sprints, and demanding intervals. Prepare to sweat, build serious power, and torch calories alongside a motivating community. Master your form, refine your technique, and experience the ultimate cycling challenge!

Private 26 Poses

Replicate the classic hot yoga series, a challenging sequence of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises performed in a private room heated to 105 degrees. A virtual instructor will guide you through the poses, with options for beginner, moderate, and advanced, allowing you to maximize the benefits of Hot Yoga – improved flexibility, detoxification, and increased cardiovascular health – in a private setting any hour of the day.

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