Cancellation Policy

We understand that life happens, and sometimes you may need to cancel your class reservation. To ensure fairness for both our clients and instructors, we kindly ask that you adhere to the following cancellation policy:

Class Cancellations:

          Minimum Cancellation Notice: A minimum of 6 hours notice is required to cancel your class reservation without           penalty. 

          Late Cancellations: Cancellations made within 6 hours of the class start time will be subject to a $10 late                       cancellation fee. 

          No-Shows: Members who miss a class reservation without prior cancellation will be charged the full class fee.

How to Cancel:

          You can conveniently cancel your class reservation online through our website or mobile app.


          We understand that emergencies may arise. In such cases, please contact the studio as soon as possible. We               will do our best to accommodate cancellation requests on a case-by-case basis.

Thank you for your understanding!

Membership Billing/Pause Requests

We're committed to providing a clear and convenient membership experience. This policy outlines our billing procedures and membership freeze options.


          Billing Cycle: Your membership will be billed automatically on the same day of each month based on your                     purchase date. 

          Automatic Renewal: Your membership will automatically renew each month unless you choose to cancel or                   freeze it before the next billing cycle.

          Payment Declines: If your payment is declined, we will notify you by email and attempt to process the payment             again. A late fee may be applied for declined payments.

Membership Freeze:

           All active members are eligible to freeze their membership for a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 3                      months in monthly increments, once per year. Freeze requests must be submitted at least 15 days before your                next billing cycle to avoid charges for the upcoming month. You can submit a freeze request by emailing us.

           Your membership will not be billed during the freeze period. However, any outstanding fees must be settled                    before reactivating your membership. You will not have access to classes or studio amenities while your                          membership is frozen.

           To reactivate your membership after a freeze, simply contact the studio and your access will be restored within 2            business days.

We encourage you to review your billing statements regularly.

           For any questions regarding billing or membership freeze, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Studio Etiquette: YOGA

We believe your yoga practice is a journey of self-discovery and connection. To foster a peaceful and respectful environment for everyone on their mat, we kindly ask that you follow these yoga etiquette guidelines:

Before You Arrive:

           Book Your Class: Reserve your spot online or through our app to avoid reaching a full class.

           Arrive Early: Aim to arrive 10-15 minutes before your class to allow for check-in, finding your spot, and settling              in peacefully.

           Respect the Space: If you arrive late, enter the studio quietly and take the first available spot in the back row to            minimize disruption.

           Hydrate: Drink plenty of water beforehand to stay hydrated throughout your practice, avoid leaving the room                  mid-practice if possible.

Creating a Serene Environment:

            No Cell Phones: Keep your cell phone in your cubby or locker.

            Leave Scents at Home: Minimize strong perfumes, colognes, or lotions to ensure a comfortable environment                 for everyone.

            Barefoot Bliss: Remove your shoes outside the studio to maintain a clean practice space. Feel free to wear                   socks in the yoga room to reduce germs.

Respectful Practice:

            Unroll Your Mat with Care: Avoid loud unfurling of mats to preserve the tranquility of the space.

            Mindful Conversation: Avoid talking during the practice to allow everyone to focus on their inner journey.

            Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Spread out your mat with space for others and avoid blocking someone's                   view of the instructor or mirrors.

            Re-rack Props: Return any props you used to their designated location.

            Gratitude is a Gift: Offer a silent or spoken word of thanks for your practice and the opportunity to be on your                 mat.

Thank you for helping us create a peaceful and supportive yoga sanctuary for everyone.

Om Shanti (Peace)

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